What is Skin Rolling?
Skin rolling, or myofascial release treatment, is a type of therapeutic massage used to eliminate body stiffness and pain that occurs when the skin adheres to muscles. It works by pulling the skin away from the muscles, using gentle, rolling motions.
When muscles and skin adhere to each other as a result of an injury, body trauma, or overuse, it could cause pain and discomfort. This is because the muscles are disrupting the fluidity of the skin. In turn, the body will experience minimal movement due to the pain. When this occurs, skin rolling will help free the skin and will eliminate the pain.
Rolling the skin separates it from the muscles it may be stuck to, alleviating muscle tension and pain and increasing flexibility.
When is Skin Rolling Used?
Skin rolling is most beneficial in the following incidents:
Post-Injury and Surgery
Injuries and surgeries are some of the most common reasons why skin and muscle end up adhering to each other. Impaired movement after these incidents is inevitable. The injury or surgery sites become stiff, causing discomfort and pain. But, with the skin rolling massage technique, the muscular adhesions break off, and in time, it eliminates the pain, increases flexibility and brings back normal movement.
Scarring may also occur post-injury and surgery. Or, it could also be caused by other unfortunate incidents. Regardless, skin rolling is a known technique that helps treat scarring. With regular application of this technique, the scars loosen, and the soft tissues relax and separate from the muscles. As a result, the muscle fibres relax, and stiffness is lessened, if not eliminated.
Like any form of therapeutic massage, skin rolling is also a great way to achieve body and mind relaxation. Performing the skin rolling massage across the body will increase tissue temperature because of the friction. This will, in turn, give a calming effect to the body and get rid of any tensed muscles that may be starting to adhere to the skin. Getting them to loosen up before it becomes severe is a great way to help maintain a healthy body.

Skin Rolling Massager Naipo
What is Fascia, and How is Skin Rolling Important to It?
Fascia is like the skin of our internal organs. It is a tissue that protects organs, bones, nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. It is also essential for the human body’s immune system and fluid flow. It helps hold our internal anatomy in a structure, and it is comprised of sensitive nerves similar to skin.
When a person is stressed, is infected, or had a traumatic physical encounter like injuries and surgeries, fascia tissues become stressed too and start to inflame and tighten up. It loses its fluidity and starts to become “sticky”, which leads it to link into areas and muscles that it is not supposed to stick to. When this happens, the body starts to feel pain, exhibits poor posture, and becomes less flexible, affecting everyday work and movement. It could even affect the overall health and immune system of a person.
Other reasons for fascia tissue pain include:
- Little to no physical activity
- Overworking a single part of the body through repetitive motions
- Bodily trauma from injuries and surgeries
As it is, fascia skin rolling becomes essential, as it helps soothe out fascia tissues and prevents any form of body pain and stiffness.
What are the Benefits of Skin Rolling?
If you are ever in a state where your body is not in its best condition and are probably wondering what type of massage technique would help you with your physical worries, check the below benefits of skin rolling and see if it meets your needs.
Decreases Soft Tissue Tension
The skin rolling technique is a great way to release soft tissue tension caused by inflammation due to body trauma. This massage will reach into the deeper, underlying tissues under the skin, like the fascia tissue, and manipulate it to loosen up and release any obstruction between the tissues and the muscles. This is heavily important in situations where injury has caused the skin to adhere to the muscles abnormally. When achieved, the body will feel lesser pain, tension and will become more relaxed.
Increases Movement and Flexibility
Skin rolling can help with enhancing the elasticity of tissues and muscles as it lifts the muscles and loosens the fibres through the repetitive rolling motion. This will improve range of motion and increase flexibility, giving the body the chance to freely move around, even in body parts that have undergone injuries and surgeries. Improving one’s flexibility is important in performing day to day activities, and skin rolling techniques will help achieve this.
Helps in Healing Damaged Tissues
After any injury, it is normal for damages to reach the body’s tissues. But, with skin rolling massage, you can quickly recover from these damages and regain the normal blood flow in the affected areas. This is because this massage will help widen the bloodstream as well as produce more blood cells vital to the recovery of your body tissues and muscles.

Skin Rolling Massager Naipo
When NOT to do Skin Rolling Massage
While skin rolling massage has a lot of benefits and advantages under its belt, applying this technique should come with caution. There are some cases when skin rolling massage won’t be effective and may, at times, cause more harm than good.
These circumstances include:
- Applying skin rolling in patients with hernia
- When a patient is pregnant
- Recent scars or muscle strains
Skin rolling massage is highly beneficial. It helps lessen muscle tension and pain, improves elasticity, and helps the body heal. It focuses on healing the disruptions between the skin and the muscles and helps normalise your body’s physical functions. That said, it is important to always consult with professionals if you ever plan to undergo this massage therapy. When done right, you can be sure to enjoy the benefits of this therapeutic massage.
Discover our Naipo massagers and how they can help you with your skin rolling massage needs.